Hi friends!! I’m excited to share with you a beautiful gold metallic fondant stripe video tutorial today!! I used this technique for the top of my Metallic Mermaid Cake that I made for my newest Craftsy class, “The Clean & Simple Collection: Playful Techniques“. This class was SO full of techniques (over 30 to be […]
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Articles posted by Jessica
30 Cake Textures & Techniques

Hi friends!! I know a lot of you have wondered where I’ve been lately and why I haven’t made any cakes in a while. Well…here’s why! Over the past 6 months I’ve come up with over 50 textures and techniques you can use on your next cake projects. I’ve created 15 cakes to showcase some of […]
A GIVEAWAY and A Secret!!!

Hi friends! I’m so excited to share with you what I’ve been working on the past four months and why it’s been like crickets on my blog!! I’m SO sorry I’ve been the WORST blogger, but I literally couldn’t do any more than what I’ve been doing…prepping for a SET of Craftsy classes and taking care […]
Let’s Go Fly A Kite!! – A Lesson From The Wind

Let’s go fly a kite! Up to the highest heights. Let’s go fly a kite and send it soaring. Up to the atmosphere, up where the air is clear, oh let’s go, fly a kite!” – Sung with Mr. Banks from Mary Poppins!! I know you were humming it with me!! Hahaha! Spring is upon […]
Lessons From An Avocado Seed

Ohhh friends I have missed you all!! I’ve been neck deep in fondant these past two months madly prepping for two Craftsy classes I filmed a week ago, back to back. It was an intense two months, but OHH the Lord is so faithful and SO good! He truly covered me at every turn and gave […]
Fruitfulness, Meditating on the WordCome find me at Cake Fest!!!!!

Hi friends! If you haven’t heard, I’m heading to Louisiana in 11 days!!! Yippie!! Cake Fest is a brand new cake convention I have the honor to be apart of in a tiny way…but a way none the less!! I’ll take it!! It’s going to be located in Lafayette, LA from February 21-22…coming up quick!! […]
I See Pregnant People

I loved being pregnant with my first baby (the others got a little rougher though so I can’t say the same there! Haha!). It’s great right up until 3 weeks before you have that baby and then all of a sudden, you’re done! D-O-N-E done! But, I’m so thankful…because in the grand scheme of life, it’s a […]
Happiness, ThankfulnessHow To Make An Edible Swan…Photo Tutorial

I had the privilege of being apart of an amazing group of talented cake designers for a Christmas Cake Collaboration. We each took a day of Christmas from the song “12 Days of Christmas” and made a cake inspired by it. I got “Seven Swans A Swimming” and here is the cake I created inspired […]
Photo Tutorials, Sculptured Cakes, Video TutorialsHow To Make A Gumpaste Altered Book – Free Tutorial!!

Hi friends!! The last and final tutorial of the Epic Swan Cake is this beautiful altered book made of gumpaste!! This was my FAVORITE part of the entire swan cake!!! If you want to know how I created ALL the details to this cake, check out the original post with links to all the tutorials […]
Photo TutorialsFREE Tree Cake Tutorial

Hi friends!! Tutorial Alert!! Today I get to share with you a FREE tree cake tutorial!! Yippie!!! I had the pleasure of making this “Seven Swans A Swimming” Christmas cake for a 12 Days of Christmas Cake collaboration. And, for this post, I’m going to show you how I made the beautiful tree you see […]
Photo Tutorials, Sculptured Cakes