Hi friends! I know it’s been like crickets here on the blog this summer but I have an excuse! – my husband has been home ALL summer!!! He’s a PE & Health teacher at a private K-8 school so we LOVE love love summers and having daddy around 24/7! I think I might like it […]
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Personal Blog
Taking a Leap of Faith: Good-bye Facebook

Hi friends! I’m taking a leap of faith. I’m not on Facebook anymore. And I’m SO excited!! I feel like a weight has been lifted. I will no longer have a personal or a cake business page there. I’m not sure what’s in store for me down the road and if I’ll ever be back […]
Let’s Go Fly A Kite!! – A Lesson From The Wind

Let’s go fly a kite! Up to the highest heights. Let’s go fly a kite and send it soaring. Up to the atmosphere, up where the air is clear, oh let’s go, fly a kite!” – Sung with Mr. Banks from Mary Poppins!! I know you were humming it with me!! Hahaha! Spring is upon […]
Lessons From An Avocado Seed

Ohhh friends I have missed you all!! I’ve been neck deep in fondant these past two months madly prepping for two Craftsy classes I filmed a week ago, back to back. It was an intense two months, but OHH the Lord is so faithful and SO good! He truly covered me at every turn and gave […]
Fruitfulness, Meditating on the WordI See Pregnant People

I loved being pregnant with my first baby (the others got a little rougher though so I can’t say the same there! Haha!). It’s great right up until 3 weeks before you have that baby and then all of a sudden, you’re done! D-O-N-E done! But, I’m so thankful…because in the grand scheme of life, it’s a […]
Happiness, ThankfulnessGood grief

Grief… It over takes you when you least expect it like a wave that sneaks up and knocks you flat. If feels suffocating and at times overwhelming to the point you find it difficult to breathe. It’s deep. It feels dark at times. It can make you mad. It steals your strength and can rob you […]
Lessons From A Pumpkin Patch!

The joys of fall!!! It’s SUCH a beautiful time here in Oregon! We have the most beautiful seasons. One day it’s summer, the next day you wake up and there’s a chill in the air and a leaf falls in your face and all of a sudden, it’s fall. It’s beyond amazing to see the […]
Whose Clothes Are You Wearing?

Clothing. It’s something we all think about every day…some more than others! My daughter definitely spends WAY more time thinking about her clothing then my son. She likes to coordinate her outfits and make sure things look neat and tidy. Whereas he opens his shorts drawer and picks the one on top (no matter the […]
Bitter Frogs

Bitter frogs? You might be thinking, “Do frogs taste bitter?” Is that what Jessica is talking about today? Haha! Nope! I have no idea what frogs taste like…thankfully! But hopefully by the end of this post, you’ll understand what I mean by “Bitter Frogs”. First, let me tell you a story. Back in the days […]
Personal InspirationWho’s In Your Boat?

Hi friends! Welcome to my “Personal Blog”. It’s a separate section than my cake blog because I REALLY want to feel open to just talk about JESUS!!!!! :) I’m just throwing it out there now!! :) If you don’t want to hear about how much I love Him and how much He loves you…then head […]
Personal Inspiration