Bitter frogs? You might be thinking, “Do frogs taste bitter?” Is that what Jessica is talking about today? Haha! Nope! I have no idea what frogs taste like…thankfully! But hopefully by the end of this post, you’ll understand what I mean by “Bitter Frogs”. First, let me tell you a story. Back in the days […]
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Posts tagged "Personal Inspiration"
Who’s In Your Boat?

Hi friends! Welcome to my “Personal Blog”. It’s a separate section than my cake blog because I REALLY want to feel open to just talk about JESUS!!!!! :) I’m just throwing it out there now!! :) If you don’t want to hear about how much I love Him and how much He loves you…then head […]
Personal InspirationLove is…sacrifice.

Happy “Love” Day everyone!!! I’ve learned a lot about love this past year and felt compelled to share because I’m realizing life is so short and I don’t want to be silent anymore. Through the life, and death (read her story HERE), of my sweet mom this past year, the Lord has woken me up […]
Personal InspirationHappy New Year 2014 – and a look back!!!

Happy New Year!!!! Sweet friends, thank you for another amazing year!!! Thank you for being friends, blogging buddies, supporters, encouragers, prayer warriors and cake fans. I’ve been so blessed to have known so many of you through this little blog!! This year has been filled with so many treasured memories and defining moments!! God has […]
Personal InspirationIn memory of my sweet mama!

This is my sweet sweet mama Darlene… My beautiful mom only 4 months ago at my son’s 6th b-day party. …who is home with Jesus now. Everyone who met her felt loved, felt important and felt the presence of Jesus. I am so happy the Lord picked me to be her daughter…and oh how I […]
Personal Inspiration