Happy New Year!!!!
Sweet friends, thank you for another amazing year!!! Thank you for being friends, blogging buddies, supporters, encouragers, prayer warriors and cake fans. I’ve been so blessed to have known so many of you through this little blog!!
This year has been filled with so many treasured memories and defining moments!! God has worked His plans out in my life in greater ways than I would have ever imagined!!!
In January 2013 I filmed my first Craftsy class, Clean & Simple Cake Design, hoping a few hundred people would buy it!! Today, over 11,000 of you have purchased it!!! Craziness!! Thank you for all your support, love, comments, emails and encouragement!! It’s been a huge blessing!
In February 2013 I attended my first Sally Clarkson conference and walked away with such an incredible amount of inspiration and wisdom to be the mom my kids need me to be…the mom my sweet Jesus created me to be!! With time, prayer and lots of love and attention, my crazy, passionate, smart, strong third born baby girl has become my joy!! My kids have become my focus more than ever and I delight at being their mommy more today then ever before!! I’m so thankful that the Lord has given me these children to keep my heart in my home…because we are all blessed when mama’s heart is home!!
Summer 2013 my husband and I had the pleasure of taking a long anniversary trip!! For 10 days we played, hiked, ate, read, swam, biked and hung out like we did before we had kids! It was an incredible rich “honeymoon” time that I will never forget!! Oh Lord I’m so thankful for the amazing man you’ve given me!
During that trip I read the book, “Anything” by Jennie Allen. It’s changed my life in so many ways. I want the Lord to do anything with my life and I’m willing to lay down my life, my desires, my goals, my wants so that others may see the glory, love, joy and peace that comes from a life knowing Christ. Anything…yes, Lord, anything!
The end of August 2013 I flew back to Crafty to film my second class, Simply Modern Cake Design. I thought I train wrecked it after having hardly slept the whole week I was there!! – but to my surprise, you all have loved it and in these past two months that it’s been out, over 4500 people have signed up to take it!! Again, pure craziness and I thank the Lord my God for anything good that has come from these classes!!!
September 2013 I said good-bye to my sweet mama. It was totally unexpected, surreal and so fast, but the Lord showed me His plans are far greater than mine. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through, but her life has kindled a passion in me like nothing else and I hope and pray I can touch the hearts of those around me like she did. She bled love and grace for others…I hope my life will be the same way.
December 31, 2013, I sit here thinking back over this past year, surrounded by my incredible family, I can’t help but thank my Savior for this amazing year…for all the ups and all the downs. It was a roller coaster…but I wouldn’t change a thing.
I don’t know what 2014 will bring but I do know this…
“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived,
the things that God has prepared for those who love him.”
-1 Corinthians 2:9
I love Jesus, and I am so excited to see what He has planned for me this year. No matter how good or bad, I trust Him whom I love.
I pray you all enjoy your 2014!!
Love this post !!
Happy New Year !! If I may, you seriously have to be one of the sweetest people on the face of this earth !!Your blog is truly inspiring…it’s like reading a devotional – thank you for being so open and teachable. May 2014 be your best year yet !! God is truly going to bless your socks off – indeed ! Thanks again !
Hello Shyla : ) She is wonderful. And you are too I’m sure : )
Happy New Year!
Jesus saves!
I’m one of your .craftsy students
I’m very excited that you are a Christian. I was wondering if you were when I was watching your crafty video : ) I’m always wondering who is and who is not. : )
And I’m glad to see that you are a excited Christian.
When I made my first post a few mins ago I had not read the page, I just knew it was you and that I was taking one of your classes.
Lol I try not to drive my wife nuts : ) I do a lot of Jesus talk around the house
But I get so excited when I think of Heaven and everything.
Our Beloved Jessica! Happy New Year to you and thank you for this very special post. I pray that your cup continues to overflow and that you continue to be blessed and highly favoured, Amen!
What a journey you have had this past year. My condolences to your mother earth this past September. I pray that you find rejoice in her home going, she now weeps for US! Surely, joy comes in the morning.
I love you in Christ JH and also in chocolate, cake, ganache, smbc etc… teehehe! Your love for Jesus is simply amazing and it radiates through the web and in the classes that you teach. I look forward to many, many more of a journey with you and as a loyal pupil.
One Love,
Tala Panton~
I love your comment!! – especially the part about loving me in chocolate, cake, ganache smbc, etc!!! LOL! Seriously I laughed out loud!! Thank you so much for your love, support, blessing and prayers!! I hope the Lord fills your cup to overflowing for taking a moment to bless my heart!!! To God be praised!! Happy 2014!!
Happy New Year!! You are such a blessing to so many, including me I hope 2014 has wonderful things in store for you!
Oh girl, thank you so much!! To God be the glory forever! Happy New Year to you too!!