Hi friends!
I’m taking a leap of faith.
I’m not on Facebook anymore.
And I’m SO excited!! I feel like a weight has been lifted. I will no longer have a personal or a cake business page there. I’m not sure what’s in store for me down the road and if I’ll ever be back on Facebook…I have no plans. Right now, I know the Lord is asking me to surrender that part of my life. I’m giving it up in order to spend that time pouring into my kids, my husband, His Word and the faces He’s placed in my life…yes…faces! I find I look at faces less when my face is in my phone (which is funny that it’s called FACEbook)!! I miss my life before social media, so I’m trying to get back to that place. I have felt more and more divided and fragmented as my business and personal pages have grown and it’s time for my family and my Jesus to have all of my heart! I’m excited to form new habits with my time and invest in more eternal treasures.
I’m still going to be making cakes here and there but on a very very small basis and only for close friends and family. When I do create a cake, I’ll be posting it! – so don’t worry about that. But, my goal and desire right now is to dig into the Word, to have greater fellowship with Jesus and my family and to write more on my personal blog page (see the top right tab of this blog). If you want to see what I’m studying and learning and how I’m walking through life, you can follow me over there. Just plug in your email over on the personal blog section and you’ll get all my updates.
I do have ONE more Craftsy class launching August 6th called “The Clean & Simple Collection: Elegant Techniques” and will of course have some sneak peeks and always a 50% off link for you right here on my blog! – so check back here or put your email address in the box to the right so you can get play by play updates from me in your inbox since you won’t be getting updates via Facebook! I’m teaching over 20 gorgeous ruffle, romantic, urban and graphic textures! It’s my most favorite class to date…I can’t wait to share it with you!! There’s SEVEN cakes and ohhhh, they’re sooo pretty!!!
So, welcome back to my blog! – and thank you for taking a step back in time with me! xo!!
Love you, lady… and excited to see what the Lord has for you! Xx
Ditto friend!! So excited for your family and all the doors He continues to open for you!! xoxo!
I think this is so wonderful. God bless you on your journey- I will be following eagerly along!! Will you be posting your scripture study method on your personal blog? I’m always excited to try a new study to delve deeper into the Word !
That’s a great idea! I’ll keep that in mine as I write. I always love to see how others study the word too!!!
You’ve inspired me to take the final step too! I’ve been contemplating it for a while. Just said goodbye to Facebook tonight!
Bravo!!! I honestly broke down and cried a bit after I did it! – did you have an emotional experience?? I think I felt chained/in bondage or something and I was like something broke free. It was crazy! I’m so excited for the future!!!
Amen! It is ALWAYS the right choice anytime we want to spend more time with the Lord and our family and diving deeper into the Word Only amazing things will come out of that! Matthew 4:4Amplified Bible (AMP)
4 But He replied, It has been written, Man shall not live and be upheld and sustained by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.
Amen!! Man shall not live by “cake” alone!! LOL!! I was Jesus to be my new hobby!!!
Hi Jessica, it is true, Social Media can take over our lives, unless, God intervenes! It certainly is a brave decision you are making, but your steps are ordered by the Lord! We will be here to encourage you on your journey of faith. You are a beautiful woman of God and everything you do will prosper…in Jesus name!
Thank you Angela!! Amen!!
I’ll definitely be following! Having just made my own leap of faith, it’s nice to know I’m in good company. Godspeed in all your endeavors
Yay! May the Lord bless you RICHLY!
bravo! wish i could do the same
I think this is awesome news to hear. In December, my computer crashed and I took a ‘vacation’ from Facebook. I had felt I was doing a ministry there because I pray with and for hurting people, and prayed with many on that site…when I got my computer fixed in late February (yes, it took me that long…funds are tight for someone on disability and in the winter more so….) I felt impressed to stay off Facebook. I go on briefly, to check personal messages from family but if I stay on it longer than a couple to a few minutes, my computer again ‘crashes’ and shuts down. Hmmm, do I think that it could be that God wants me to concentrate my prayers ‘for them’ but not ‘with them’? Could be!
Yes, I am praying for my ‘friends’ there, but I feel that God has moved me away from that site also. I will always care for those folk, some I became ‘in person friends’ with…but I cannot be on there for any length anymore…it makes my heart feel ‘dark’ to even try.
So I am glad to see that you are following suite. May you be blessed in your endeavors for Him.
I love how the Lord shows up and gives us a glimpse into the life He wants for us…even through broken computers!! He cares SO much for us to allow annoying/bad things to happen to wake us up!! He is so good!!
Jessica, darling. This is a very important step! I understand that your life should be super race! I have a class with you at crafsty and read a comment about your time between his three little children, home, cakes. I also do cakes here in Brazil, not so many as to take all my time, I also decided to devote my life to my children, husband, caring for my next, with God, honoring what I have received. I hope your steps to find peace and love in every moment!
Thank you Michelle!! xo!
Bless you Jessica, very brave step. Family is king. The lord bless and keep you !! A new season is ushered in !!
Amen! I got chills reading that! – thank you!!!
Good for you…. listening to your divine guidance! You are so blessed with so many talents and responsibilities that it must be difficult to decide on priorities. It will all fall into place for you! I wish more businesses would ditch Facebook. I love FB for keeping in touch with distant relatives, sharing photos, etc. but that has become so diluted with business posts. So I applaud your initiative! I am a hobby baker and am working on a cake based on many of the techniques in your most recent Craftsy class – leather, denim, lace, etc., so I have been spending a lot of time with you this past week! Thank you for sharing your talents with us, Jessica! I am so excited to see your next class! Bless you on your journey ….
Thank you Yvonne!! – you’re so cute about spending time with me! I love that!! Enjoy learning and growing! I wish you much success and joy in your new adventures!
All dreams and wishes will be accomplished via the Lords blessings
I feel the Lord calling me to holiness too—spending more time in prayer–praying for the lost and asking the Lord to purify my heart DAILY….
What an inspiration you are! May God richly bless you for being true to his word and for knowing when God is speaking and working through you! I read a daily devotional today, I hardly receive them in my inbox, but this one came up in my inbox for the first time from a UK Christian radio provider I subscribed to a long time ago, and it said even Jesus after fellowship and worship with his disciples needed alone time with God and he would often go to the mountain to pray and reflect on his own. It described that this is similarly to what we need to do as there is so much distraction in our lives that we need to just stop, retreat and devote ourselves to what God truly has planned for us and we can only do this by pressing the pause button on the world and pressing play on his word and just listening to what he has to say rather than pray for a list of things we tend to have in routine memory when we pray. I’m also learning this myself, and have yet to completely let go and let God, but I want to get there and reading posts like yours has inspired me so much!
I have quietly admired your work since the beginning of this year (bit of a newbie) as I now want to go into business myself and discovered craftsy where I have been brushing up on my skills a little. I feel God has spoken to me through you and through the daily devotional too as I spend waaaay too much time on my phone and sometimes for no reason at all, just because I can and it hinders me from doing a lot of things I need to do, so I can only imagine what it is hindering in regards of my blessings and time I should be spending with Jesus.
Thank you and I pray Lord has something exciting in store for you!
God Bless you.
Jan from London, England
Yes Jan! That’s it exactly! I believe one of the BIGGEST tool the enemy has to keep us from experiencing the fullness and joy of God is distraction!! – and there’s SO much of it today. What would life be like, what would the wisdom of our words be like, what would our relationships look like if we spent more time with Jesus and less in front of our phones and computers. I’m SO excited to find out! I want Jesus to by my hobby! – then everything else will fit perfectly in place!!
ohhh, it’s such a good idea! I need to cut back on time spent making cakes . . . I think you have inspired me to do the same!
Waooo!!! You make me cry, i think Jesus want that for me Also,, is the best desicion!!! Gog Bless You!!
You know it’s funny you are having this experience – I am Christian also and recently had a Facebook experience which resulted in my new computer schedule of 1/2 hour per day. It’s like a huge weight of distraction has been lifted!
YES! That’s it! It’s like my eyes have been opened to all that I could be doing to touch the lives around me instead of in my computer screen! HUGS!
So happy for you Jessica. May the Lord carry on using you to touch many souls.
Thank you Fiso!
Oh my friend Jessica, I’m excited to see what the Lord will do for you but at the same time, I will miss seeing you. Best wishes, many blessings and much love to you!
And I’m so looking forward to your new class!
Thank you sweet friend! You can always see me in my classes!! – I think I look totally different in all of them, so you’ll have a lot of me to choose from!! LOL!!!! xoxo!
I’m so happy for you! Keep me on your mailing list, blog, website, contact list, etc. God will bless you for your obedience. Have a wonderful summer! Denise
You will be missed Jessica but good on you to take the step. We only have a limited time with our loved ones got to make the most of each moment. Cant wait for ur next class. Will be bisiting your blog regularly as always.
It’s awesome to see you listening to His voice. There are so many blessings in store for you just from listening and submitting to His will. I pray the best for you. I will definitely keep up on the personal blog, whenever you post. I’ve made some personal decisions as well and just reading this article gave me the strength to make my own leap of faith without doubt. Thank you & God bless!
Yes Nancy!! When the Lord calls, He will always always show you the way…even if it’s only step by baby step sometimes! I love how He asks us to simply hold His hand and trust Him. Just like Moses when He put his staff in the water…he had NO idea what GOD was going to do!!! xo!!
I can definitely say I’m sorry to see you exit the cake ring; however, I definitely understand and believe God will meet you where you are at and take you to a whole nother level. My prayers are with you as you step into this journey. Be blessed
Oh thank you Denise!!! I’m not sure I’ll ever exit the cake world entirely. I do feel like the Lord has given me this “world” to be a light and to shine Him!! – and I just want to do it better!!
Follow your heart and do what is best for you! Social media isn’t always the right answer. I love your classes and I am praying for you and your new journey. I applaud your decision!
Blessed are those who get the opportunity to devote their life to something bigger than themselves and who finds themselves surrounded by friends who share their passion. Wishing you peace and wisdom on your journey.
That is a wonderful thing you are doing! I applaud you, and wish you much happiness and many blessings to you and your family. I look forward to seeing your next class, and the cakes you make in the future. Good luck and God bless.
Thank you Nicole!!
You’ll always come out on top when you put Family and the Lord first!
Amen! HE is faithful!!
Good for you Jessica. While I haven’t spent much time on “Facebook”, that Pinterest really gets a lot of my attention. I would really like to increase my quite time with Holy Spirit. Taking the faith plunge seems like the way to go.
Oh girl!! That’s the next one I need to tackle…Pinterest!! LOL!! One thing at a time!!
Congratulations Jessica; a most righteous move! The secular world is trying to pull everyone into the dark abyss, and away from His Light. Family rocks!
Good for you. Many blessings!
You are such a blessing for so many. Look forward to your new class, I know it will be awesome just like the rest of your classes have been. God be with you and your family
Thank you SO much Janice!!
Looking forward to seeing you soar in your new ventures
Ahhhh, thanks Reva!! xo!!!
Wait a minute. Did I write this or did you?!?! Seriously!! I have been pulling “mini-vacations” from FB for about a year. And always to delve in to the Word more and more. I am currently doing 3 Bible studies and in the Word every chance I get. THANK YOU for listening and doing.
Haha!! I’m realizing this is a huge struggle for so many!! SOOO excited for you and all the Lord is teaching you too!!
Good for you, Jessica! I found you on your blog years ago before your first Craftsy class, so it will be a nice change of pace. Bless you and your family
Jessica I think it’s a great thing that you have done, I for one applaud you, social media for me it’s great but thankfully with the pregnancy I learned the same thing you are learning that life is much more thanks and can't wait to keep reading your blogs and buy your craftsy classes thank you so much for everything
Thank you!! I’m super excited!
This brought me to tears.. not becuase I am sad, but because I know you are doing the right thing and it brought joy! Love that you are yeilding to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and I will be praying for you, and cheering you on.. right on Sister! What a great testimony… all glory to God..
Oh thank you sweet sister!!! Yes…let’s follow Him whole heartedly and see what He can do through our obedience! And I love how that looks different for everyone!
Yay Jessica! I Love how the Lord is leading and building you up into such a Beautiful women of the Lord and mama to your kiddos and wife to your husband. You are a refreshing light and so joyful. I can’t wait to read your blog posts filled with the wisdom the Lord is sharing with and through you. What a wonderful leap of faith.
Thank you Seri!! May He shine brightly!! xo!
Jessica I love you and I am so excited for you!! This is so wonderful to submit yourself to the Lord and get that refreshing revival of family and Christ! I fasted recently and thought that I probably should have fasted from facebook as well. I only get on facebook for my business page, but I find that I’m more consumed by my personal page! I praise God for you posting this because this is such an inspiration for me to try! I find myself relying on the internet for almost anything, whether it’s bible scriptures, recipes, etc, and I too miss my life before google LOL I pray The LORD fills you with His Holy Spirit and guide you in every step of your life in your new journey! God bless you.
P.S. I’ve always wanted to tell you this: I noticed when making gospel cd’s, whenever I type Francesca Battistelli, I get you two mixed up! I always type Jessica Battistelli! LOL! Why is that? Happy Caking
I LOVE Fransesca Battistelli!! – haha! That’s so funny you put my name in there. What a sweet and wonderful comment to read. Yes…may the Lord fills you also with His Holy Spirit and guides you as you continue to seek His face and desire to grow deeper in your walk and dependence on Him! Hugs to you sweet sister!
WOW i am a new fan of yours, and i will follow you wherever you might be, facebook or no facebook, best wishes and a big hug from sunny México.
You are too sweet Diana! Thank you so much for your support!! xo!
Sharon wee posted a link about ur latest class. Was looking for discounted link for ur class, i couldnt find your page on fb. Then i thought i should check ur blog. No wonder i couldnt find you on facebook.
Looking fwd to ur discounted link on latest class.
Yes…no more Facebook for me! – but you can find the 50% off my latest class in the most recent blog post or in the large slider photos at the top of my website! BUT, here’s the link so it’s quicker!!
I just did the same thing!!! I am so excited to read your blog. YOur words expressed exactly what my heart had been feeling!
Yay! It’s SO liberating!! Ahhhhh!
Hi Jessica, I have jsut looked you up on Facebook for some inspiration and could find you! Luckily for me, you are here and your blog is good enough for me! Thank you, off to see your latest Craftsy class.
Thank you so much for finding me! I hope you enjoy the new class!!
I’m truly happy for you!! I deleted my FB four years ago and haven’t looked back. Being obedient to our Father in Heaven is a must!!! You are truly an inspiration! May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.
Amen!! Yes…to fully surrender and realize this life, my life, is about being a vessel of His loving kindness and glory takes all the striving away! – May our eyes be on Him only so that His life, His love, His grace is glorified through ours!! xo!
Hi Jessica,
tsed with your decission on leaving facebook behind. I am a big fan of your style of cakes. They stand out! I will make sure to check back on your blog and treat me with with your new class.
I wish you all the best for your future!
You’re so sweet! Thank you for your support and understanding! Blessings to you!
I am new to cake decorating and I’m so glad I found you, a sister in Christ I think I’ll be here in your blog often – not only because of the decorating tips you share, but more especially because of your testimony. You are an encouragement. May you grow deeper in your knowledge of and love for Christ.
Oh I can’t tell you how much I love this!! As a home baker I have been struggling with the want to get rid of Facebook but not having the courage to do so! Thank you for this encouragement!!
You’re welcome! It has ushered in a TON of peace in my life! No regrets!
I have a not so successful blog. I’m having fun cooking and with the photography, but hate the social media aspect of it. I too have felt fragmented or (schizo) over it. What a brave move. One that looks right for me too.
I have not regretted one day! It has freed me up and given me the simple love back of making cakes for the fun of it. Plus, I’ll never get these moments back with my kids. It has been feeing!!
Okay so I’m crying while sitting in my little studio in Orlando. This post just made me fold up into a mustard seed. All I can say is WOW!!! And you have new cake classes….and I’ve only read two posts and am crying, laughing, laughing even harder, jaw on the floor with eyes wide open….in just two posts. GEEZE I’ve missed you Jessica. Praying all is as God will’s it.
LOVE you! Thanks for all the encouragment!! I’m taking off some time too and loving every minute I get to spend with my family! Not sure how much new you’ll see here, but as the Lord wills, I’ll be here and there. Blessings to you sweet sister!