Hey friends! If you’ve been a reader of this blog for a while, you probably know I’m not a huge fan of white chocolate. It just has a funky flavor to me. I definitely prefer dark chocolate because it resonates well with my taste buds…and probably those female hormones!!! haha!! Until now… I recently received […]
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5 more days…

…until my Craftsy class comes out!! YIPPIE!!!!!!!! So, stay tuned for a big discount link I get to share with you all next Wednesday (I actually can share it on Tuesday I think…but Wednesday is the official release day…even though you can still buy it Tuesday night!)!! Here are a few “inspiration” pics I found […]
My Classes & DiscountsCounting down to my new Craftsy Class…giving some hints! :)

I’m so excited!! In less than 2 weeks my new Craftsy Class is launching! I’ve been sworn to secrecy, but that doesn’t mean I can’t give you all some hints!! Here are a few fun pics to peak your curiosity!! :) Don’t worry…I’ll be back to share more in the next few days!! What do […]
My Classes & DiscountsCraftsy Class Cake Design #2: Ruffles and Stripes

Hello pretty stripes and ruffles!! I love this cake! It’s so sassy and graphic! – my style to a “T”! Carrie with The Cake Blog did a fabulous write up on this cake!! Thanks Carrie!! You can see it here!! This is the second cake I created for my Craftsy Class!! This cake showcases […]
My Classes & DiscountsCraftsy Class Cake Design #1: The Offset Chevron Cake

I am going to take the next week or so to share with you all the four cakes I made for my Craftsy Class!! I want you to see all the techniques you’ll learn in the class as well as see the cakes you can create with them. First up is the Offset Chevron Cake! […]
My Classes & DiscountsBehind the scenes with Craftsy!!

Before I share some behind the scene pictures with you all, I have to first off say thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!!!!!! I have been overwhelmed with emotion these past few days as my Craftsy class went live!! Soooooo many of you bought the class, emailed me, posted […]
My Classes & DiscountsI’m an official Craftsy Instructor…as of NOW! :)

Yippie!! Now you can all see what I’ve been working on these past 4 months in secret!! I can tell the world! I am apart of Craftsy and an amazing group of talented and wonderful cake designers!! You can log on to take the class ANY time. If you decide to buy it today, tomorrow, […]
My Classes & DiscountsHow to make a horizontal stripe cake

Well, here it is! How sweet is this pretty little cake! I’ve been wanting to do this design on a three tier cake where the top and bottom tier has this design and the middle tier is a smaller, perhaps 2″ high cake, in the turquoise color. OH, that would be soo cool!! But, alas…I’m […]
Celebration Cakes, Photo Tutorials, Templates, Video TutorialsHow to make a chevron cake

I love love love graphics!! The only problem is some graphics are almost impossible to create on a cake!! – until now!! I have seen this offset chevron design only once on a pillow. I LOVED how unique it was. Chevron…but with a twist! Now, how do you put this on a cake and get […]
Celebration Cakes, Photo Tutorials, Templates, Video TutorialsIt’s Easy…
I just posted the Little Purse Tutorial yesterday based on a cake demo I did at a women’s retreat last weekend (read this post). My cousin Jamie was there and apparently took some video of me. I guess I kept saying, “See it’s easy!” after I would do something simple and would hear the “Ooooh’s […]
Funny, Sculptured Cakes, Video Tutorials