It’s Template Tuesday!! A new name for a new day here on the website. I’m hoping to get you all a new template every Tuesday that you can use for your next cake creation!! Hopefully this will be a fun place to be inspired and find great tips and tricks to make your cake projects […]
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20 NEW Cake Design Ideas!!!

Hi friends!! I’m giddy…SUPER giddy today!! I get to share with all of you one of the BIG things I’ve been working for the past few months!! Are you ready… …are you sure??? Here it is… I have a STORE!!! – filled with TONS of cake designs!! 20 to be exact…but who’s counting!!! Teeheee!! Right […]
Favorite Color Inspiration Boards

I love Pinterest! I can spend HOURS…or perhaps it’s waste hours looking and looking and just getting lost in such beautiful photographs and fun ideas!!! I’ve been looking for new color ideas and inspiration boards lately and thought I’d share a few of my favorites with you!! Modern, sleek and stylish…pink, gray and black!! Gorgeous! […]
ColorFantastic tips on how to get clean & precise cakes…

My online Craftsy classes are ALL 50% off right now!!!! Don’t miss out. If you’ve been wanting to snag one at a big discount…now is the time (scroll down). They are all chalk FULL of technique on getting beautiful, clean, precise, modern looking cakes. Here are the discount links to find out which might be […]
Super Scrumptously Perfect Chocolate Cake Recipe

I have a yummy treat to share with you today!!!! Summer Stone from Cake Paper Party has created the perfect chocolate cake recipe!! She combines the beauty and denseness of an Australian Mudcake with the Fluffiness of an American chocolate cake!!! OHHHH, my mouth is watering!!! She is incredibly brilliant and really understands the science […]
Cake, Photo TutorialsSneak Peek #2 For My Newest Craftsy Class

The class comes out March 18th!! Here’s a tiny part of cake #2 that I get to share with you!! If you haven’t seen the first sneak peek, click HERE. What do you think the theme is? One more picture coming to you this weekend!!! Then another giveaway starts later next week!! Stay tuned!!!
My Classes & Discounts1st Sneak Peek For My New Craftsy Class

I am SO sorry friends!! I promised a sneak peek the beginning of the week am a total slacker! I did post one on Facebook, but totally spaced the blog. SO sorry!!! But, alas…HERE it is…the first of three sneak peeks…the first of three cakes I’m going to share with you. What do you think!?!?? […]
My Classes & DiscountsA good laugh!

Somtimes you just need to laugh… and this made me laugh out loud!!! I had to share because I’m sure all you creative people that follow this blog can SO relate!!! *Remember my giveaway for my third Craftsy class ends Friday, Feb 28th!!! Register HERE!! Have a very blessed day!! OH…and try shutting down a […]
FunnySuper Cute Owl Cake Tutorial

I saw this darling little cake on Pinterest and had to share!! It’s by Icing on the Cake NYC!!! Click HERE for her site!! Whooooo’s gonna try to make it??? LOL!!
Figurines, Photo TutorialsOlaf – The Edible Snowman!!

This has become my favorite animated movie!!! If you haven’t seen Frozen…GO! – even if you don’t have kids. My kids loved this movie…especially my girls! We seriously sing the songs EVERY day! SOO sweet! I should post a video of my 3 year old singing, “Do you want to build a snowman?!” OH…be still […]
Figurines, Photo Tutorials