I think of all the templates I have created, I have been most excited about the polka dot templates!!
I love polka dots!!
If you’ve ever done a polka dot cake, you know how hard it can be to line everything up so beautifully and perfectly…especially when they get smaller and smaller! You can poke holes, measure out paper, mark your rulers, etc etc…but either way, you are moving things around and placing things a millimeter this way and that way until it looks good!!
Well, no more!!! I’ve got your backs!! Time and perfection are back on your side!
And, today, I’ve got some fun discounts to share with you so EVERYONE can get into the polka dot dance. Or maybe a Polka Dance? :) Or from the Backyardigans…The Polka Palace Party! Yes…I have kids. Haha! My mind does weird things to me.
Anyhooo, where was I??
Yes, polka dots! There are four polka dot cake templates you’ll find over in my Design Shop. A small, medium, large and x-large size. For the small, medium and large polka dots, I’m using common Wilton icing tips! No crazy obscure circle cutters…just simple piping tips! – and you probably have them all in your tool kit. The x-large circle is 1-1/8″…or anything around a 1″ cutter works great! I have the cutter I used in the supply list. I got it on Amazon.
These templates are SO easy to use. Most of them include 4 layouts like this:
You get a spaced out layout for diagonal or straight dots and a condensed layout for LOTS of dots!! And all the templates include layouts for 4″ tall cakes and 6″ tall cakes from which you can create any height.
These templates are so simple to use. There are two pages of directions on how to use the wax paper transfer method to place the perfect polka dots. I came up with this method out of frustration of wanting things “perfect” but having a hard time getting them so up on a cake. So, you apply a sheet of greased wax paper (you can use parchment paper or cellophane) over the template, add all your polka dots to the wax paper, then lift it up and you have a polka dot sticker you simply press onto your cake!!
Voila! – perfect polka dots in HALF the time! I should race someone sometime!! haha!!
If you want to see me use this method in action and in several other ways, check out my class, “Clean & Simple Cake Design” on Craftsy!! It’s PACKED full of time saving tips to get perfect cakes and 50% off with that link!!
And, like I said, I have a discount for you today on these templates!!
For this week only, you’ll find all these templates HALF OFF!!!! Wooooohooooooo!! They are all only $1.50 each…which is basically buy one get one free!! So, stock up and use these templates on your next polka dot cake and save yourself some serious time. Click HERE to head over to the Design Shop!
Have fun cak’n it up!! Happy Polka Dance Party!!!
Hello Jessica, you do such beautiful work , so neat and modern looking. I have done one of your craftsy classes and loved it , you share so many tips and ideas, thanks for everying and being such an inspiration. I have a question about how you get that lovely Dark Blue color for your fondant? What brand of coloring do you use?
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Regards Louise
Hi Louise! Thank you for all your sweet words! – you blessed my socks off today!
I use the Royal Blue by Americolor and a tiny bit of black. I add the color during the melted marshmallow stage and get it the color I want before adding in my powdered sugar. That way it saves TONS of time and my back!! – from all that kneading!