Are you busy?
Man…we are busy! It seems every year we get even busier. How is that possible??!
Christmas is an amazing season where we get to celebrate our sweet Savior’s birth! – but it can become so stuffed full of recitals, Christmas parties, gift buying, traffic, family dynamics, travelling and general craziness that we end up so distracted, stressed out and discontent. It’s exactly how the enemy wants us this season.
It reminds me of busy Jerusalem who had no room for the Savior. Their inns were stuffed full of people with things to do.
Yet, the Savior of the world was still born. He still came because He loved them. But they missed it.
Have we prepared Him room today or are we missing our Savior?
He’s here.
Have we opened our hearts to usher in the King of Glory and the Prince of Peace or are we so distracted that we don’t even notice Him?
Are we missing what the Savior might do in our hearts? – the wonder, majesty and power He has for us?
This is something I’ve been pondering the past few months. The more “room” I’ve made for Jesus in my heart the more He fills it. The more time I spend with Him, the more I seek Him above all else, the more I say no and strive to lead a quiet life, the more He fills me. He will fill you when you make room for Him. But He’s a gentlemen…He won’t push in. You must open your heart and decide if you’ll let Him in.
How can we prepare Him room?
1. Take time every day to be still before the King of Glory remembering what He has done for you when you least deserved it. His grace and love are HUGE and we need to remember it moment by moment. Knowledge of His love and grace will change the way we live and the decisions we make. Empty out the distractions and prepare Him room to fill your life with joy by seeking Him first.
2. Get into His word and let Him fill your mind with things that are true, noble, beautiful, lovely and full of hope. When our minds are not stayed on Him and His promises they will be filled with something else. Those things will only bring us worry, anxiety and fear, or they will let us down and leave us disappointed. Make Him room in your mind by filling it with the Word of God. Then, when fear or worry try and push their way in, you can speak words of truth that will block those arrows like a shield thereby protecting your heart and mind.
3. Remember where you are going with patient hope. I was reading in John 13:3 how Jesus knew who He was and where He was going and because of that was able to lay aside His clothes and kneel before His disciples to wash their dirty feet. He had knowledge of how it would all end and that knowledge gave Him a peace that passed all understanding and allowed Him to love on and serve the imperfect people around Him. When we remember that this is not our home, that one day we will live, dwell and worship with our sweet Savior in Heaven, we begin to make room for His power to creep in and help us in our weakness to do the impossible…to love our family during one of the most stressful times of the year!
Let us strip off the weight that so easily entangles us and run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2).
Prepare Him room in your hearts and watch what the Prince of Peace will do this Christmas season.
Here’s a song I hope we can sing over and over to remind our hearts to Prepare Him Room (click on this post to see the video below if you are viewing this through your email). Allow the King of Glory to rule and reign over your hearts and minds this season as we celebrate the greatest gift ever given…God’s only Son.
And my other absolute favorite Christmas song by one of my favorite new artists. “Noel” by Lauren Daigle. Again, click on this post if you are viewing this through an email. See video below.
Make room for Him today and you will understand the great love that God has given through His son.
The Light of the world, given for us…Noel.
Love this!