I love waffles! Oh the crunchy goodness of warm butter and maple syrup makes them our favorite morning treat!! YUM!
But, I’m not very good at making them because they can be kinda messy so they are only for very special occasions when we have NOTHING going on that morning!! – I’m sorta a lazy mommy at times! Don’t hate me!
“But, Jessica…this is a cake blog! – why are you discussing waffles!???”, you may ask.
Because THESE waffles are made with…wait for it…wait for it…

…wait for it….okay…now – CAKE BATTER!!!!
So, now I have a GREAT reason to make them…birthday breakfasts!!!!! My kids are going to freak out!! I can’t wait!!
Thanks to The Black Peppercorn, now you can too!! Steve shows you how to make them using box cake mix…to save time. But you can make them with any cake batter recipe!! Yippie!!!

Click HERE for his site and blog post on how to create your own yummy morning treat!! Thanks Steve for such a fantastic idea!!