Hi friends!!
I have a treat for you today!!
If you don’t know Summer Stone, she is THE smartest baker I know!! – and she is my very special cake friend who has been with me in all my ups and downs over the last five years. I’m am SO thankful to the Lord for her and owe her a LOT!!
She recently started a new blog called “Cake Paper Party” and is dedicated to posting about simple tricks for creating stunning parties! It’s all about the cake, the paper crafts and bringing it together to make an incredible party!! She is the master and has thrown the BEST parties I’ve ever seen!!! Here are two cakes I’ve made for her parties…The Egyptian, The Fasionista Cake (that started the whole wax paper transfer idea).
Summer is my scientist!! She LOVES to experiment, test, compare and create! She has a degree in micro-biology and loves the chemistry of things. Summer has been writing for Cake Central magazine and has recently started her party blog in order to do some incredible posts on all things cake…like modeling chocolate, fantastic recipes you’re going to want to try, and simple ways of making Swiss meringue buttercream!! She is SO committed figuring out why things work certain ways and then educating people about what she’s learned. You’re going to want to subscribe to her blog so you don’t miss a post!!
For instance…
She’s got three new posts on MODELING CHOCOLATE!!!
Photo by: Summer Stone “Cake Paper Party”
Her first post is “How to Make Modeling Chocolate” – the ins and outs of making it and helping you with some of the pitfalls that happen when you make it! She’s got lots of great pictures!!
Photo by: Summer Stone “Cake Paper Party”
Her second post is “White Chocolate vs Candy Melts” – comparing modeling chocolate made with two different kinds of medium and how ratios play into the recipe. She gives you a chart to show that mixing up the ratio of corn syrup to chocolate can effect the modeling chocolate’s softness/firmness.
Photo by: Summer Stone “Cake Paper Party”
Her last post is “22 Ways to Color Modeling Chocolate“!! – Twenty two!!! I told you she was thorough!!
Check it out friends!! This medium will change your life! I use straight modeling chocolate for most all my decorations and will mix it from time to time with my fondant depending upon what I’m doing with it. It cuts clean, straight, it doesn’t stretch like fondant and tastes FANTASTIC!!
I show how to make it and how to use it in my first, foundational, online class called “Clean & Simple Cake Design“. If you haven’t checked this class out, it’s over 4 hours of everything from modeling chocolate to marshmallow fondant to crumb coating a round cake in buttercream and square cake in ganache then how to achieve those razor sharp finishes on them!! It’s got tons of info in it that will change your cake journey and make your cakes cleaner in less time. Here’s a 50% off link if you’d like to check it out: Click HERE.
I hope you enjoy the new blog “Cake Paper Party“! Give Summer and Hi for me and stick close to her…you’ll learn a TON like I have!!
thank you very much for sharing this link,i thing i m gonna love it!!
just a question,please:i live on a tropical island,so the weather is hot and humid;i don t have any air con;
is there any possibilities for me to use modeling choc or do i absolutey need air con?
i hear so many good things about modeling choc but i m afraid to try it;
thank you for your help and congratulations for your classes
all the bests
vahine island