My dad says she’s my “mini-me”…I think he’s right!
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Photo by: Jamie Zanotti Photography |
So, when I asked Harper what kind of party she wanted, she of course said “TANGLED!!”
Now, for you moms who might have older kids and feel like you might have missed your window…you haven’t!!! God is the God of second chances and He longs to help you start afresh today! You become the woman He wants you to be and you get on your knees and pray for your kids. Show them kindness and love…for that leads to repentance. Make those changes and you will see fruit. It might take a season, but God’s promises fail not. They are new every morning for great is HIS faithfulness…not ours…His! :) Don’t be discouraged…that’s the enemy. Fight for your kids, simplify your lives and just LOVE love love on those precious kids and you’ll see a turn around.
Nice cake, your daughter is so cute
Thank you for not only showing everyone this beautiful cake, but how you created it.
I also want to thank you for this blog site. You are a very generous soul who has a gift. You share your experiences as a child of Christ, wife, mother, daughter, caker and much more in such a beautiful, eloquent and articulate manner.
While I am not a religious person, my husband is a practicing Catholic and we are raising our children together in the Church. I have always respected the many who have faith and want to let you know that your recent post about your mothers passing and the role that your faith had inspired me and has stayed with me. While I don’t know how you feel, I understand as I lost my father to cancer. He too was ill for 2 yrs and then only lived for less than after the doctors diagnosed his cancer. I did not allow my self the additional support and guidance faith seems to bring to all who have it. Thank you for sharing that as I have never really under stood it.
I wish you nothing but the best and look forward to all you have to offer with your future posts and Craftsy.
P.s- can’t wait for your 3rd Craftsy class.
I just praise God for using you to do this post Jessica. I really needed to read that because for a long time cakes were my everything while my now 5 year old daughter was a distraction. I am going to purchase the books you referred. Thank you!
Hi Jessica,
You are truly an inspiration. I know my season ahead is going to be really really busy and your reminder about how I need to invest in my kids is really timely. I am so encouraged by how you find God in truly everything that happens – whether seemingly good or bad. Thank you for being brave to tell others. You challenge me to be like you ! And your classes are pretty awesome too =) Thanks much.
Wow! Awesome cake! But I was more moved by your love for Christ and for your family! So many times I get overwhelmed with cakes and forget that I have children in the house. This makes so much sense and I applaud you and love your inspiration! You have encouraged me to focus more on the greatest things I have produced my three kids!!
Thanks I needed that! God Bless you & your family
Harper is just so cute. That pic of her is just perfect.
You should print it and frame if! She’s about the same age as mine (2 1/2 now). So I know how you feel!
And your cakes are so beautiful, can’t pick a fav.
Another home run (pardon the pun). Thank you!
Jessica, thank you so much for this post. I started reading for the cake and got what I really needed to hear after the cake. I have been struggling with the distractions and this has helped to realize what is truly important and affirms my decision to take a break from caking is the right thing. Thank you for sharing your talent, because it lead me to your heart and guidance!
Praise The Lord!!! You’ll never regret it!!!
Same here. Thank you so much for your post about balancing life and hobby! I am not a wife or mom right now, but I also have been struggling with balancing my life with cake as my hobby. I totally hear you about sometimes being so project-oriented, I dismiss people if they come between me and my cake! Most of the time it becomes a horrible mess… and I thought I was glorifying God by finishing the project! It’s a good reminder, thank you so much for sharing!
Absolutely precious cake! I am glad you talked yourself out of the super complicated Rapunzel one and did this “simpler” one instead. So cute! And I am sure your sweet girl was just as happy with this cake, as with a super complicated one (wish I could listen to myself and believe that when I make cakes for my son…).
I love this post even more because of what you said about motherhood, our God, and remembering what really matters as we enjoy this beautiful blessing of being called Mom. I can’t wait to go out and get that book and read it! Thank you! As always, I love your blog and your posts! May you have a blessed week!
Cake is more than a hobby, it’s a business I run out of my home. Tonight I was so frustrated with my kids. They were underfoot and not listening very well. I was so tense and upset as I tried to bake and keep the house sane. I sat down at the computer for a moment of ‘me’ time and decided to look at your site for some cake inspiration. I scrolled down to find this blog entry. I had read it before, and it inspired me then. But tonight, it hit me hard. It is exactly what I needed to hear. I don’t know that the answer is for my cake business, but I know that how it’s working now isn’t working. My kids aren’t the distraction. They are my calling. Thanks for that reminder. I’ve never met you, but I thank God for you and your wise words. Thanks for using your talent and gifts for his glory. God Bless.
Oh girl!! I KNOW how it is!! It’s SO hard to do both…I know the pull to do the cake business!! It can be so strong!! But, I’m also realizing that our kiddos are only so little for such a short time!! – whereas cakes will always be there! I know that there can be a huge amount of joy and peace just waiting for you and your sweet kiddos when your heart is not divided so much. It might just not be the season for you to make it a business, but perhaps to keep it a hobby and a blessing…for you, your family and your friends! I’m saying a little prayer for you! That you would have wisdom and you would be willing to do whatever it takes to please the Lord because He will make you a fruitful vine abounding with grace, goodness and love that will overflow onto your family!! All my best!! Thank you for writing to me!! May the Lord be glorified!!
Hugs!! xoxo
Hi Jessica, I am so happy to hear you speak of your faith here! I had no idea what I was coming into here on your blog. This is the first time I have visited your site so to hear of you being filled is wonderful!. Thank you for posting this message. I really needed to hear this. I am just starting out with a cake business and don’t really know what to do, It’s out of my home. I recently resigned from my job and am looking for a new job, without much success. The cakes and cupcakes I do buy groceries for the time being. So this is very inspiring to read. Again, thank you.
Oh sweet friend! What wise and true words you have shared. The Lord is so evident in your life and I am, we are, so blessed to be a part of what He is doing in you. You are beautiful inside and out and I can’t wait to see you soon!!! Thank you
Totally valuable cake! I am happy you talked yourself out of the super muddled Rapunzel one and did this easier one rather. So charming! Furthermore I am certain your sweet young lady was exactly as content with this cake, as with a super convoluted one (wish I could hear myself out and accept that when I make cakes for my child..).
You could not have said it any better, Jessica! I have to say, you said it all for me and for all moms out there! Thank you.
I’ve recently chanced upon your blog after I bought your Craftsy classes. I’ve since adored your work – every beautiful, crisp detail! Simply perfection! I’ve admired your work and how you share how you work – making it simpler for us, beginners in the caking world!
After reading this very blog entry (I have yet to read your other entries), you’ve become my mommy/baker IDOL/INSPIRATION rolled into one! I hope you realize how you’ve inspired me – and so many other moms, I’m sure – as I juggle being wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, baker and child of God! I cannot thank you enough!
Praying that God continues to bless you, your family and the work of your hands a thousandfold, and that He continues to use you as His instrument of love and genuine, selfless service!
You are too kind!!! It’s The Lord you hopefully see here and I am just a vessel!! I feel soooo blessed He is using me in such a funny way!! 😄 I never would have imagined I could make cakes and share the gospel!! He is soooo good!!! I am learning so much daily and am so happy to share! God bless you, your sweet ones and the work of your hands!!
In Him,
Omg! That’s the cutest cake I have ever come across. It look’s so tempting and scrumptious. you got magic in you hands Jessica. Each and every cake on your blog is so lovely and mouth watering that I wish I could download them all and eat them up. Lovely work, Keep baking, keep sharing and keep smiling.
Hello Jessica,
You have a portfolio of lovely cakes and I appreciate your knowledge. Please I will like to know how you achieve shiny fondant looks in all these cakes. Kindly reply. Cheers
Thank you!
I rub all my cakes with a little Crisco and buff it out with a clean tissue so it has a satiny finish.
I hope that helps!
Cake looks so yummy. I really like this post.I definitely try this at home today! Please keep sharing such wonderful recipes.Thanks for sharing.
fruit cakes
Hi, I love the idea of making the hat, would you please upload any video of making the hat.
Thank you
Thank you! I do have a video on that post that shows how I attached it and a little bit on how I made it. But sorry…there’s not a step by step video.
I am very happy to see your blog and i get many info from your blog it is very useful to me and thanks for sharing your blog with us