Found a fantastic article by Lesley with Royal Bakery on Craftsy.
She does a review on the most popular commercial brands of fondant. Her article includes pros and cons for Satin Ice, Fondarific, Fondx, Wilton and Carma. I have to agree with everything she says!! This is a very accurate and well written review!!!
The only one that is left out is the Bakels Pettinice fondant. This is a really popular brand in Australia and when I tried it, I really liked it. For me is was similar in texture to marshmallow fondant but a little drier. I don’t remember all the ins and outs with it and need to buy some again to play with it…but I do remember really liking it and I’m pretty picky!
Nice work on your first article with Craftsy Lesley!!!
See it HERE.
Thanks for this posting. Do you use commercial brand or you use your own homemade fondant? Thanks!
I use my recipe most always. If I do buy a commercial one my fav is Fondx!!!
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Any chance you could try non American brands like Bakels, Orchard products, Premium Ice, Squire’s Kitchen?
I wish I could…they are just hard to get for me and expensive so I haven’t been able to use them…except the Bakels! – I DO really like that one!! I found it to need a little more corn syrup but it performed awesomely! No elephant skin or tearing. Blessings!