Here’s my beautiful, almost 8 year old!! One week and she’s turning 8! I can’t believe how fast time goes!! One of her sweet friends turned 8 today and she wanted to make her something special…and only have a few hours to pull something together before her friend’s school let out we had to get creative!
A rice krispie cake!! I had JUST enough rice krispies left, JUST enough marshmallows left and JUST enough powdered sugar left to make a tiny batch of frosting! God is good!!
And, thanks to homeschooling my girl, we got to spend lunch and nap time whipping up a little cake for her friend!! She helped me make the rice krispies, cut/stack it, pipe the frosting in the layers and make the flower. She was so cute and wanted me to pipe the top so it would be just right for her friend! Sweet girl!
Now, what to put this sweet little cake on?! – a cupcake stand!! Marcella from Just Sugar Coat It sent me a few amazingly cute items…one of them being this darling little stand. I’ve been waiting to make something that would fit on it and this was perfect! So, Marcella, thank you!!!
Great job sweet girl! I’m soooo glad your friend enjoyed receiving it as much as you enjoyed making it!! I’m learning daily how talented you are and how much more I need to include you in my cake projects!! You are growing up so fast!! – Stop it! :) And, now you know why mommy loves making cakes for my friends!! It’s SO fun to bless them and to see how much joy you can spread with the talents God gives us!! :) I love spending time with you, I love seeing your talents unfold before my eyes, I love seeing your face light up as what you create!! God will continue to use you to bless those around you as you keep your eyes on Him! I love you with my whole heart!
What a fun project for the two of you!
You have a beautiful little girl! And she seems to have inherited your heart of gold! God bless you both!
My daughter says, “Thank you!”
God bless you too!
Aw it’s your little Mini-Me! You favor so much, especially in the eyes. Darling girl!