Joshua John Russell has a great tutorial video on Craftsy that’s totally free!

It’s a buttercream video where he shows how to make Swiss-meringue buttercream, torte, fill, stack a cake and more!
I’m posting this video link because I was really surprised to see that his methods are pretty much exactly how I build and stack my cakes! I’ve had several requests for more video tutorials (which I hope to do in the near future), but for now, this is a little glimpse of my style. If you watch this (at least the first half up to the crumb coat), it’d be like watching me do it! :) I torte/slice my cakes exactly the same way, I make my frosting the same way (except I don’t add the powdered sugar), I measure out my buttercream with a scale when I’m filling my cake layers (but you could do it like him with a cup) and I carve my cake after I fill it to get rid of buldges (before crumb coating)!!
I don’t cut my board down like he does because I crumb coat out to the board. I use the edge of the board as my guide when holding the bench scraper…so, don’t cut the board if you’ll be covering the cake in fondant. Use the board like on my upside down frosting technique! If your final coat is buttercream then you can do another thin coat to cover the board.
It’s a great video if you are a beginner and have questions as to building, stacking and crumb coating your cakes!! – and most importantly, it’s FREE!!
Click HERE
I hope you find it helpful!
I know! I teach cake decorating and it was like sitting in my class and some of the methods like the toothpick were uncanny to watch. In fact when I teach this class as part of a course i always say to my students “This is what you paid money for… this is the most important part of this course…”
Its definitely a great intro to correctly prepping a cake and I agree with you Jessica – highly recommend this video!
Thanks so much for the info!
I recently took this class to see what craftsy was all about and I really enjoyed it and the way that Joshua taught the class. I will be taking more craftsy cake decorating classes soon.
Hey, just curious, when you use the upside down technique with buttercream, won’t it all stick to the board?
Schmeez: After I fill/stack the cakes, I use the upside down method. After you’ve got the crumb coat on, you put it back in the fridge to firm up (upside down). When the buttercream is hard the wax paper or the board will pretty much pop right off with a warm palette knife.
Hi. Im very new in bakery. For creamy cake what brand is best cream you use for design cake and if i want to learn about cake decorations what class you recommend me for Quick and cheaper and of course high-quality class. Im in Los Angeles Woodland Hills