My sweet daughter had a Medieval Festival at her school today. It was SO fun! The kids in her class all dressed up in Middle Age costumes, made castles and hats, shared some of their talents in performances, and sat around and feasted on treats their mama’s made for the event. The parents and grandparents were all invited to be apart of the festivities. My little princess read part of a story she has written…she’s becoming quite the little writer for a 1st grader! I’m so proud of her!!!
Last year a mom made some amazing miniature fruit out of marzipan for the feast and the kids thought it was so cool! So this year my daughter’s teacher asked me if I could do the same thing. I decided to make the fruit out of rice crispy treats covered in various color of modeling chocolate. They ended up being about 50-75% the size of regular fruit. Perfect for little hands…and FULL of sugar for their little tummies! YUM!
I whipped up some rice crispy treats, and while warm, I formed them into the various fruit shapes. Once they were cooled in the fridge, and firmed up, I began covering them in modeling chocolate. I love using that stuff because with just the warmth of your hands, you can smooth out all the seams so you can’t tell how I covered them! Brilliant! My son and daughter rolled all the little grapes and stuck them on the wedges I had covered in purple fondant…they rolled and rolled and rolled! :) It was a group effort!
To make the fruit you see above, I used about 10 cups of cereal, 2 tbsp of butter and 7 cups of marshmallows. I crushed up the cereal really good so it wouldn’t be so bumpy, then added that to the melted marshmallow/butter mixture. You might need to add more cereal if you want, depending upon the texture you’re going for. Stir stir stir then shape into the fruit and let firm up in the fridge. Then, cover in chocolate and add the texture/stems/brown lines (with brown gel color and a tiny brush). To get the texture of the oranges, I wadded up some saran wrap and pressed it all over the orange. Worked great!
Thanks for looking!!
I feel pretty silly for not thinking of it, but crushing up the cereal is brilliant!
Is that how people make the big 3D block numbers for cake toppers? I needed to make a #1 for a first birthday cake and it was so lumpy from the rice crispy treat! Why didn’t I think to crush the cereal?!
It was a AH-HA moment for me too when I read that somewhere! We all have them! The more you crush, the finer it is, the less bumps you have, and also, the less marshmallows you need to use!
Love the bananas!
You all did a great job!!! I’ve always loved the look of marzipan fruit but do not like the taste at all, these have the same “real” effect but a fantastic taste, I’m sure. Thank you for sharing!!!
Seriously awesome!
This looks sooooooooooo pretty!!!!
So so cute! I bet you had fun for sure! xx