And here it is…

A few new things for me…First time putting on horizontal stripes and first time doing an argyle pattern. BOTH much harder than they seem!! Getting horizontal stripes straight is tough! And this was only the second time I’ve EVER piped on a cake! WHEW – I need to practise! That is one skill that is practise practise practise!! I think I need to practice making royal icing too. Since I don’t make it very often, I’m still unfamiliar with the consistency being KEY when doing piping. This stuff was too stiff, but worked! Next time I’ll be able to get that better, I think…

I made two flavors. The top cake was vanilla with black raspberry buttercream and the bottom was chocolate with vanilla buttercream. My buttercream of choice is Italian Meringue Buttercream, so that’s what both of these cakes were filled with. OHHH they were so tasty! Just zoom in to see that yuuuummmy thick layer of buttercream under the fondant!! Buttercream is just the best part of a cake (in my humble opinion), so I’m loading it in there!!
This may be my favorite one so far. So classic looking. Good job!
this is one of my favs too! and the inside doesn’t look too bad either
Awesome cake! It looks delish too! How many layers do you do your cakes? It looks like 3, torted?? Just wondering… Great job!
Usually I prefer 4 layers of cake and three layers of buttercream…but mixed it up in this case – which was three cakes and then the chocolate one I torted to six. I actually liked how it held up better…I might do that from now on?! – plus it looks amazing and you get more buttercream in there – YUUMMMMMY!
I think I have already told you this, but YOU ARE AMAZING! I can’t wait to have a special occasion where I can hire you! Wow!
HI, I too am a fan of the Italian or Swiss Meringue Buttercream. How much of the raspberry puree do you put in for a batch of the buttercream for it to taste like Raspberry and change the colour?
I tried doing it the other day, but I dont think i added enough puree!!!
Thanks and love your work.
Any tips for acheiving the argyle look on the bottom tier?
I placed the diamonds, then used my architectural angle to pin prick the diagonal pattern (you could just cut some cardstock to create a template), then piped on the pricked design with some red royal icing to make the “stitches”.
Hi – I absolutely LOVE this cake – so adorable!!! How did you make the cupcake on top? Is it actual cake?
Thank you! I have a big/jumbo muffin tin I baked the cake in. Then I wrapped modeling chocolate around it and piped a big dollop of frosting on top! Yum!!