I have a fantastic program for you!! It’s a buttercream calculator!! Now figuring out how much buttercream you’ll need for your cake or cupcake projects just got easier than ever!!!
If you’re working on a cake project, all you have to do is type in how many layers of buttercream you’ll need for each cake, and how tall each tier will be and the program does all the work for you!! No matter how many tiers, it will calculate your entire project. There’s even a converter to help you figure out how much ganache you’ll need! All of the buttercream quantities are based upon what I personally use in my cake projects. I like a generous dollop of buttercream for each layer, so I am estimating 1/3-1/2″ thick layer of buttercream for your fillings and about 1/2″ thick crumb coat around your cakes. However, I give instructions on how you can completely customize it for the quantities of buttercream you like. All you have to do is change the ounces I use to what you use and the computer program adjusts your projects accordingly and saves that information for future projects!!!
The estimator goes from 4″ cakes to 16″ cakes (in 2″ increments) and includes square and round cakes. It does not include estimates for odd numbered sized cake pans, I’m sorry.
Then, after you know how much buttercream you need, it will help you figure out how much of each ingredient you’ll need like egg whites, sugar and butter in order to make enough buttercream for your cake project. You can even customize your ingredients and ingredient ratios. So if you use Swiss-meringue buttercream or American buttercream, this program will still work for you. No more crazy calculations and scratch paper required!
If you’re a cupcake person and want to know how big of a batch of buttercream to make for your cupcakes, it has a buttercream estimator and will again break down how many of each ingredients you’ll need to complete the cupcake project.
Important notes:
*When you purchase this program, you are consenting that you understand that:
1. It is for Excel 1998-2014 versions.
2. It is only for even sized cake tiers (4″, 6″, 8″, 10″, 12″, 14″ and 16″) and for round or square cakes only.
3. The buttercream quantities are what I personally use so if you like a thinner layer of buttercream than 1/3-1/2″, please adjust your quantities accordingly. I give instructions on how you can input your own quantities that you personally use in the program so it’s completely customizable to your business and how you stack/fill your cakes!!
Click HERE to head over to my Design Shop, scroll to the bottom to purchase!!
For more information on how the calculator works, watch this video! Remember, you’ll need to own the Excel spreadsheet program in a 1998 to 2014 version.
Love your style, Jessica! I love how you think outside the box to help Cakers. Thank you
Thanks Rebekah! Blessings to you!
hi purchased this spread sheet yesterday how do i get it i also have not received and email from you here is inv no
Invoice ID:
Hi there!! Did you receive it yet? After your Paypal payment is approved it should email it to you, so check your spam folders. If you still have not received it, please email me (don’t post a comment) and I’ll email you another receipt! Blessings!!
You’re a genius. ‘nough said
Thank you! – and SO sorry I didn’t get back to your questions in a timely way. I’m hardly on this blog anymore. You can find me on Craftsy as I’m contracted to answer questions there. If you have one more my classes, you can leave a question on the platform and I’ll get back to you within a week or so. Blessings!
Apparently not ‘nough said since I have a question! I purchased your calculator over the weekend. Is this based on FULL tiers of cake, or on torted tiers? If on full layers (which I guess are around 1.5″ tall), then I need to halve the amounts of frosting estimated when I tort the layers?
The calculator is based on the number of layers of frosting and the overall height of the cake. I might have 4 layers of frosting and a 5″ tall cake one time but next time choose to not torte the cake and only have 2 layers of frosting but still a 5″ cake. So, it’s based on number of buttercream layers and overall size of the cake to know how much crumb coated buttercream you’ll need. I hope that helps.